The Importance of SEO

Regardless how amazing your website looks, if you are not taking the time to properly invest in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, your efforts could all be for not. SEO is the techniques used to get more unique visitors to find your website and take the appropriate actions needed to help you grow your following and increase your sales and profits.

Charleston SEOHere are a few simple SEO techniques brought from the champions of Charleston SEO that you can employ today on your website to increase your exposure in the search engines that will bring targeted traffic right to your door. For more information feel free to visit them at

Adding Fresh and Relevant Content
If the content is stale, dated, or not relevant to your niche, you are driving away all that traffic that you worked so hard to get in the first place. Adding new content is easy, and the end results are going to be a rush of new traffic each time you add content. The information you add could be as simple as a 400 word article on the latest trends in your niche, just be sure to add in some highly searched long tail keywords so the search engine spiders know where to rank your pages.

Cleaning Up the Home Page
The home page of your website is where over 80% of new traffic is going to wind up. The first thing that you need to do is get all the relevant information above the fold so new traffic will see it without having to take action and scroll to the bottom of the page. Place all your links or call-to-action button high on the page were you will get the most action. Place sign-up boxes in the right corner where they will get more interaction each time a new person arrives to your website.

Removing Clutter on the Site
If you website is packed with useful information and you are not getting the desired results, start cleaning up the clutter. One of the most effect SEO techniques is to categorize your content with tabs. Place everything that is related under certain tabs that make it a breeze for a new customer to navigate hundreds or thousands of pages and allow them to find the information that they need in a flash.

These simple SEO techniques are simple to implement and will have positive impacts on sales down the road. Take the time to do one at a time and see how traffic increases, then simply stay on top of these efforts for long-lasting benefits.